Working with our tool, that’s the new rule

Are you ready to achieve top performance? Then you are optimally served with our range of pliers – by the way, also for dangerous operations. Particularly when working under voltage, special guidelines must be observed and special tools used. In our wide range of pliers you will find products that have been designed precisely for such applications. Of course, they comply with all current national and international test standards such as DIN EN 60900.

Your benefits at a glance



Most of our pliers are suitable for voltages up to 1,000 V and comply with IEC EN 60900. Each tool is individually tested.



Our pliers fit a wide range of users’ needs. Special features support powerful and fatigue-free work.



No matter what application, you are guaranteed to find the right pliers in our range. Due to the different sizes and models, you always have a firm grip on everything.

Product range

Make better work the rule – with our professional pliers

ESD pliers

With you everywhere: classic pliers for many applications. Made for use in electronics and precision mechanics.

Insulated pliers

Because safety counts, our high-quality pliers are available with specially insulated handles. Manufactured and tested according to DIN EN 60900.

Electronic diagonal-cutting pliers

Our side cutters go with you through thick and thin – powerful, ergonomic, and made for fatigue-free working

Perfect complementation

Benefit from Weidmüller services and market experience

Time-saving data provision

Time-saving data provision

CAD 3D models in various formats and CAE data are available for download in our product catalog .

Electronic product data for our distribution partners

Electronic product data for our distribution partners

Electronic catalog in BMECat format and other formats. Fast access to article data thanks to proven standards.
