Working with our tool, that's the new rule

As a rule, test and measurement results must be determined one hundred percent correctly. We recommend our reliable testing and measuring tools for this purpose. In our complete range, you will find suitable products for every performance requirement and every application. From classic voltage testers to current measuring clamps to socket and FI testers. During development and design, we take into account the wishes and experiences of our users. That's why the devices have a practical design and maximum reliability.

The benefits at a glance

Mega versatile

Mega versatile

Wide measuring ranges for safety-relevant AC and DC voltages in the range from 1 to 1,000 V.

Super safe

Super safe

Compatible with CAT III and CAT IV – for more safety and a wider range of applications.

Ultra comfortable

Ultra comfortable

Contactless magnetic field and voltage testers for precise measurements – even at a distance.

Product news

VT Digi Pro with TRMS – Voltage tester for up to 1500 V DC

Prepared for the measurements of tomorrow

VT Digi Pro

The voltage range of our proven VT Digi Pro voltage tester has been increased to 1500 V DC. This significantly expands its range of applications. For example, it can now be used for photovoltaics, wind power, electromobility and all other applications in which up to 1500 V DC are reached. Due to its new True Root Mean Square (TRMS) function, the VT Digi Pro can now be used to measure more than just sine voltages. The ability to measure capacitance has also been newly added.

  • Increase of the DC voltage range from 1000 V to 1500 V
  • Possibility of TRMS measurement in the AC range
  • Capacitance measurement in the range of 0.05 to 1,999 μF
  • Classic resistance and frequency measurement

Extended measuring range

The extended measuring range of up to 1500 V DC expands the test and application possibilities to wind power, photovoltaics, and electromobility, among other applications.

New RMS measurement method TRMS

Thanks to TRMS, VT Digi Pro is not only suitable for measuring sinusoidal voltages in the AC range. Voltages that are "disturbed" by harmonics, for example, can now also be tested and measured.

Additional capacitance measurement

Capacitors are often used in the DC range. These can be tested with the new capacitance measurement of VT Digi Pro. This avoids short circuits and other damage caused by defective capacitors.

Product range

Make better work the rule – with our testing and measuring tools

2-pole voltage tester

Classic voltage testers with LED or LCD display

Digital multimeters

All-round talents for testing a wide range of measured quantities

Digital current clamp devices

For indirect measurement of direct and alternating currents

Continuity testers

For easy testing of connections; reliable, shockproof, and unbreakable

Non-contact testers

For professional non-contact voltage and magnetic field measurements

The smaller the better: two-pole voltage testers

Two-pole voltage tester

VT Digi Pro

Size isn't everything. That is why we have made our new generation of two-pole voltage testers even more compact and powerful. In addition to the proven functions, they offer a range of innovative features. One example: the VT Digi Pro now allows tests up to 1,000 VAC or DC. It not only measures voltage, rotating field, and continuity, but also frequency and resistance. Best of all: the testers can also be operated with one hand. So you always have everything under control.

  • Wide measuring ranges up to 1,000 VAC/DC
  • Practical integrated resistance measurement
  • Wide range of applications due to approval up to CAT III 1,000 V/CAT IV 600 V
  • Optimum protection according to GS 38 due to thicker test prods

Handling videos for our test tools

Handling videos for our test tools

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Want to know more? Then visit our YouTube playlist. Here you will find many videos in which you can find out more about our high-quality tools and how they work.

Perfect complementation
