HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air Condition)-systems are more and more dense with signals. Climatization onboard is important for the safety and welfare of the personnel and passengers. To make sure all the signals are taken care of and transmitted in a safe way, Gooiland Elektro in Hilversum in Netherlands, use our u-remote IO system.
They design, produce and install HVAC system in a lot of different applications:
Important for Gooiland Elektros choice of remote IO-system are the key characteristics like a reliable and no single point of failure design. The easy way to test without software with u-remote integrated web server.
Possibility to build redundant control by 2 PLCs and redundant Ethernet ring.
The use of common components lead to less spare-parts and remote support make commissioning and service much easier.
From yachts to river-boats
One example is the refit of river cruise boat “M/V American Duchess”
The 340-foot-long American Duchess is the first all-suite paddlewheel on U.S. rivers. Launching in August 2017, the ship will sail on the Mississippi River between New Orleans and Minnesota.
The system is built up with a central redundant PLC control and SCADA station, u-Remote I/O systems and switchboards each including HMI controlling.
Every Air Handling unit a number of Temperature measurements, pressure transmitters, digital alarm inputs and control outputs. Exhaust fan controls, temperature zone control and alarms are also vital parts of the system. With the 2 network-ports, your u-remote is also able to support redundancy for extra safety in the network.
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