Offshore wind turbines are key to the expansion of wind energy. However, even the most advanced turbines are not safe from damage. Rotor blades are among the most heavily stressed components. Failure rates for offshore wind turbines are generally four times higher than for onshore turbines. This is where BLADEcontrol® from Weidmuller offers significant added value for turbine operations. Faults in offshore wind turbines, in particular, are especially serious, as they produce large amounts of electricity almost continuously and repair work is always very cost-intensive due to access issues.
The BLADEcontrol® Condition Monitoring System (CMS) is able to recognize critical damage to rotor blades at an early stage before a failure occurs. The CMS uses highly sensitive sensor technology to detect even the smallest changes to rotor blades and their structure. In addition to providing the hardware and software, Weidmüller Monitoring Systems also offers a monitoring service. The service includes data-based 24-hour monitoring of the rotor blade status.
In this case, our experts from the monitoring team recognized a noticeable vibration deviation on one rotor blade compared to the other two blades at an early stage. A detailed analysis of the measurement data allowed them to clearly identify the cause of the damage, a crack on the surface of the rotor blade. After reporting the event to the operator and conducting a visual inspection, the crack was confirmed as the cause of the measurement deviation. The CMS was used to monitor the further development of the longitudinal crack until the defined threshold value was reached. When this value was reached, the customer was informed directly.
The Weidmuller online portal WebVis clearly shows the deviating vibration behavior of the affected blade (green).
In close consultation with our monitoring team, the customer decided to shut down the system and plan and carry out a repair. By recognizing the damage at an early stage, possible breakage of the rotor blade and thus a long-term failure of the entire turbine could be avoided. Subsequent events, such as imbalances occurring in the turbine, increased vibration of the rotor blades, parts breaking off and the resulting environmental pollution, were also reliably averted. The advantage for our customer was a significant reduction in repair costs for the installed blade compared to a complete rotor blade replacement. In addition to the savings in repair costs, detecting damage early on also prevented increased yield losses due to long downtimes.
For an offshore turbine in the 12 MW class, the loss of revenue per day amounts to approx. 18,000 euros. In the case described above, the downtime was reduced by 50 to 70 days thanks to preventive damage detection – compared to a potential blade loss – depending on the availability of crane vessels
For an offshore turbine in the 12 MW class, the loss of revenue per day amounts to approx. 18,000 euros. In the case described above, the downtime could be reduced by 50 to 70 days thanks to preventive damage detection – compared to a potential blade loss – depending on the availability of crane vessels. The costs for a new rotor blade and the corresponding logistics are not taken into account.
Using BLADEcontrol® has been proven to make maintenance more predictable and help avoid expensive repairs. This leads to an increase in energy yield and a reduction in operating costs over the entire service life of the turbines. Around 5,450 onshore and 450 offshore wind turbines are currently equipped with the BLADEcontrol® system.
Dr Daniel Schingnitz, Head of Sales and Marketing at Weidmüller Monitoring Systems GmbH, says: ‘With over 24,200 machine years of experience, we are the experts in the field of rotor blade monitoring. The algorithms and the system surrounding BLADEcontrol® are continuously being developed and supplemented with new measurement data. Our customers, including the world's largest manufacturers and operators of wind turbines, have relied our range of solutions for 20 years.’
Would you like to meet the experts behind our rotor blade monitoring? Then get in touch with us! We will be happy to advise you on your individual requirements.
Our BLADEcontrol® system is continuously being developed and customized to meet our customers' requirements. Would you like to meet the experts behind our rotor blade monitoring? Then get in touch with us! We will be happy to advise you on your individual requirements.
Dr. Daniel Schingnitz